Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Again...New Bands

Insomnia has reared its ugly head yet again. It's half-past two in the morning and I'm supposed to wake up in three hours. It's gonna be a fun drive!

Whining aside, I've got important news for you, my loyal readers - I'm going to see New Found Glory, Break Even, Paper Arms, and a stack of other bands in a few days. I don't particularly like any other those bands, but it beats sitting around at my uncle's place. I'm getting my NFG tickets for less than half of the retail price too. SICK!

Down to business.

When the Sea Became a Giant by Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate): Well, strike me down and call me an idiot, 'cause I thought 90s emo was...well...still in the 90s. I discovered them in a really strange way, the guy who owns the label they're signed to sent me a private message (which I assume was somewhat superficial) that attempted to strike up conversation about Mineral. Regardless, I can forgive his shameless advertising. Damn this is good. Don't let my branding of 'emo' fool you with immediate connotions of lyrical reliance; this collective has an idiosyncratic instrumental focus, that goes to the extent of offering an exact polarities of their (10-year prior) 'contemporaries'. I'm noticing a pattern in the current journey, and that's an undeniable emo streak surfacing. I'm cool with it. Definitely look them up. 4/5.

Whirlpool by Chapterhouse: Found 'em cruising around Last.fm, as per usual. Another shoegaze band, with remarkable soundscapes and density. I keep using density a lot lately, but it's really the only way to describe what I'm listening to. There isn't much of a deviation from the traditional shoegaze form, so there isn't much to talk about, but they're also worth a spin. 3/5.

...I probably need sleep. See you on the other side.


  1. so....you're still writing on this one too?

    redundancy! redundancy! redundancy forever!!
